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Getting Started

FROST is a collection of MATLAB functions and Mathematica packages. Hence, there is no need to build the source code. However, the Mathematica package will export project-specific symbolic expressions to C++ source code which needs to be compiled as *.MEX files for MATLAB. This requires a proper MATLAB MEX compiler for C++ before using FROST.


FROST uses MATLAB as the frontend interface, and uses Wolfram Mathematica as the backend symbolic computation engine. To use FROST, we require the following software to be installed apriori.

  • MATLAB R2015b or later
  • Mathematica 10.0 or later

Download FROST

FROST is an open-source toolbox hosted on GitHub. To download the source code, run

$ git clone https://github.com/ayonga/frost-dev.git frost-dev

Alternatively, you could download the archived zip file directly from this link.

System Configuration

Setup Default MEX Compiler

The following instruction provides an example setup for the default mex compilers on different platforms. For more information, please refer to the official document on www.mathworks.com.


Setting up MEX compiler for Linux systems (tested on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 LTS) is relatively straight-fowrad. However, the default g++ compiler might not be supported by MATLAB, which sometimes causes unnecessary errors (e.g., g++5.4 is case sensitive). Please visit [https://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers.html] (https://www.mathworks.com/support/compilers.html) to find out the supported and compatiable compilers for your MATLAB version.

First, install a suitable version of the g++ compiler, for instance, we need g++-4.9 for Ubuntu16.04:

$ sudo apt-get install g++-4.9

Then change the symbolic link of the standard library in $matlabroot/sys/os/glnxa64 to prevent unnecessary mismatch between compiler library and Matlab default library. To do this, run:

$ cd $matlabroot/sys/os/glnxa64
$ sudo mv libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.6.bak
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so libstdc++.so.6


There are multiple compilers can be used on Windows machines. The following instruction uses MinGW as an example on a Windows10 machine (VC++ is supported for Windows7&8).

  1. Install via MATLAB Add-Ons manager:

    On newer version of MATLAB (after MATLAB2015b), you can install MinGW support directly from the Add-Ons manager. Simply search for MinGW, and click install.

  2. Directly install from TDM-GCC:

    If installing MinGW compiler via Add-On manager fails, you can also manually install the compiler from the official TDM-GCC website.

    • Go to the download page, and download the version that works on your Windows PC. Please download the 64-bit version if possible.
    • After finished downloading, simply run the executable binary to install TDM-GCC compiler.
    • After the installation, you will need to add the system enviroment variable MW_MINGW64_LOC and specify it to the directory where you installed, for example C:\TDM-GCC-64.

FROST uses MathLink libraries to communicate with the Mathematica kernel from MATLAB. Thanks to the open-souce MATLAB package developed by Ben Barrowes called Mathematica Symbolic Toolbox for MATLAB v2.0. This package could be downloaded directly from the MATLAB Add-Ons manager or the Mathworks file exchange website.

The original package has a certain restriction on the maximum length of the input string, which could cause the evaluation of some FROST functions fail. To remove this restriction, we modified the original code and shipped the modified version together with FROST. We also included pre-compiled MEX binaries, and the compiled .mex file for different machines (some yet to come). Please use the included MathLink instead of downloading it from other resources.

Because this package uses the MathLink libraries of Mathematica during runtime, you must specifies the path of these libraries to your system path. To configure this environment variable:

Ubuntu (or Other Linux distributions)

The easiest way to configure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on your Linux machine for MATLAB would be add the following to your ~/.bashrc configuration file. For instance, if the installed Mathematica version is 11.0, then:



Setting up the library path on Windows PC sometimes very complicated, and not always work. Therefore, we copied the all required the static/dynamic library files to the folder where the mathlink source file resides.

We also includes a pre-compiled MEX binary on Windows machine. To use the pre-compiled binary, you must include the path to Wolfram Mathematica kernal executables to your system path.

To include the Wolfram path, edit your PATH variable (user) on your system enviroment variables manager. The path to be added should looks like:

C:Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\11.0\


To test if MathLink toolbox can sucessfully run, call the FROST initialization function from MATLAB. I.e.,

>> frost_addpath();

If the Mathlink package is configured correctly, this function should print out the following messages:

Mathematica Kernel loading...
ans =

    11.0.0 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (July 28, 2016)


We use IPOPT as the default solver for nonlinear constrained optimization problems. To use IPOPT from MATLAB, it is sufficient to directly use the precompiled mex files for IPOPT Matlabinterface from www.coin-or.org. The most recent version of IPOPT as of writing this document is 3.11.8.


The SuitSparse is not a required package to run FROST. However, the sparse2 function comes with the SuitSparse can be used as the replancement of Matlab’s sparse function. The former provides up to 2~3 times faster computation speed when compared to the latter.