HolonomicConstraint: represents a group of holonomic constraints of a dynamical systems. More...

Inheritance diagram for HolonomicConstraint:

Public Member Functions

 HolonomicConstraint (DynamicalSystem model, h,SymExpression name, varargin)
 The class constructor function. More...
function obj = configure (load_path)
 configure the derivatives and Jacobian of the actual/desired outputs functions More...
function nlp = imposeNLPConstraint (nlp)
 impose holonomic objaints as NLP objaints in the trajectory optimization problem nlp of the dynamical system More...
function [ Jh , dJh ] = calcJacobian (x, dx)
 calculate the holonomic constraints, Jacobian and its time derivatives More...
function h = calcConstraint (colvec x)
 calculate the holonomic constraints More...
function  saveExpression (export_path, varargin)
 export the symbolic expressions of the constraints matrices to MX binary files More...
function  export (char export_path,varargin varargin)
 export the symbolic expressions of the constraints matrices and vectors and compile as MEX files. More...
function obj = setJacobian (SymExpression jac)
 Jacobian matrix sets the Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraints if it is provided directly by the users. More...
function obj = setDerivativeOrder (integer degree)
 RelativeDegree sets the highest derivative order of holonomic constraints in order to enforce as bilateral constraints of the system. More...
function obj = setConstrLabel (cellstr label)
 OutputLabel sets the naming labels of outputs. More...
function name = validateName (name)
 Name. More...

Public Attributes

integer Dimension
 The dimension of the virtual constraints. More...
SymVariable Param
 The symbolic representation of constant parameter value hd that the holonomic constraints associated wtih. More...
SymVariable Input
 The symbolic representation of the input variables associated with the holonomic constraints. More...
char Name
 The name of the virtual constraints. More...
char ConstrLabel
 The label of the holonomic constraint. More...
integer DerivativeOrder
 The highest order of derivatives to enforce the holonomic constraints. This is the same as the relative degree of a virtual constraint. More...
SymFunction ConstrExpr
 The holonomic constraint expression. More...
SymFunction ConstrJac
 The Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraitns. More...
SymFunction ConstrJacDot
 The Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraitns. More...
char ParamName
 The name of the parameter variable hd associated with the holonomic constraints. More...
char InputName
 The name othe input variables (external forces, etc.) associated with the holonomic constraints. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from handle
 Creates a listener for the specified event and assigns a callback function to execute when the event occurs. More...
 Broadcast a notice that a specific event is occurring on a specified handle object or array of handle objects. More...
 Handle object destructor method that is called when the object's lifecycle ends. More...
 Handle object disp method which is called by the display method. See the MATLAB disp function. More...
 Handle object display method called when MATLAB software interprets an expression returning a handle object that is not terminated by a semicolon. See the MATLAB display function. More...
 Finds objects matching the specified conditions from the input array of handle objects. More...
 Returns a meta.property objects associated with the specified property name. More...
 Returns a cell array of string containing the names of public properties. More...
 Returns a cell array of string containing the names of public properties. See the MATLAB fieldnames function. More...
 Returns a logical array in which elements are true if the corresponding elements in the input array are valid handles. This method is Sealed so you cannot override it in a handle subclass. More...
 Relational functions example. See details for more information. More...
 Transposes the elements of the handle object array. More...
 Rearranges the dimensions of the handle object array. See the MATLAB permute function. More...
 hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape function. More...
 ort the handle objects in any array in ascending or descending order. More...

Protected Attributes

DynamicalSystem Model
 The dynamical system model. More...
SymFunction h_
 The holonomic constraint expression. More...
SymFunction Jh_
 The Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraint expression. More...
SymFunction dh_
 The first order derivative of the holonomic constraint expression The first order derivative of the Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraint expression. More...
SymFunction ddh_
 The second order derivatives of the holonomic constraints expression. More...

Detailed Description

HolonomicConstraint: represents a group of holonomic constraints of a dynamical systems.

A holonomic constraint is defined as a function of state variables that equals to constants, i.e., h(x) == hd


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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted only in compliance with the BSD 3-Clause license, see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HolonomicConstraint()

HolonomicConstraint.HolonomicConstraint ( DynamicalSystem  model,
SymExpression  name,

The class constructor function.

modelthe dynamical system model in which the virtual constraints are defined
hthe symbolic expression of the constraints
namethe name of the virtual constraints
vararginoptional parameters. In details Required Parameters for varargin:
  • ConstrLabel labels for constraints
  • Jacobian the custom Jacobian matrix
  • DerivativeOrder the degree of holonomic constraints
Required fields of model:

Member Function Documentation

◆ calcConstraint()

function h = HolonomicConstraint.calcConstraint ( colvec  x)

calculate the holonomic constraints

xthe states
dxthe first order derivatives
Return values
hthe value of the holonomic constraint

◆ calcJacobian()

function [ matrix Jh , matrix dJh ] = HolonomicConstraint.calcJacobian (   x,

calculate the holonomic constraints, Jacobian and its time derivatives

xthe states
dxthe first order derivatives
Return values
Jhthe first-order Jacobian of the constraint
dJhthe time derivative of the Jacobian matrix

◆ configure()

function obj = HolonomicConstraint.configure (   load_path)

configure the derivatives and Jacobian of the actual/desired outputs functions

load_paththe path from which symbolic expressions can be loaded
Generated fields of obj:

◆ export()

function HolonomicConstraint.export ( char  export_path,
varargin  varargin 

export the symbolic expressions of the constraints matrices and vectors and compile as MEX files.

export_paththe path to export the file
vararginvariable input parameters
export ( ..., Vars, File, ForceExport, BuildMex, Namespace )
Required Parameters for varargin:
  • Vars a list of symbolic variables
  • File the (full) file name of exported file
  • ForceExport force the export
  • BuildMex flag whether to MEX the exported file
  • Namespace the namespace of the function

◆ imposeNLPConstraint()

function TrajectoryOptimization nlp = HolonomicConstraint.imposeNLPConstraint (   nlp)

impose holonomic objaints as NLP objaints in the trajectory optimization problem nlp of the dynamical system

nlpthe trajectory optimization NLP

◆ saveExpression()

function obj = HolonomicConstraint.saveExpression (   export_path,

export the symbolic expressions of the constraints matrices to MX binary files

export_paththe path to export the file
vararginvariable input parameters
saveExpression ( ..., ForceExport )
Required Parameters for varargin:
  • ForceExport force the export

◆ setConstrLabel()

function obj = HolonomicConstraint.setConstrLabel ( cellstr  label)

OutputLabel sets the naming labels of outputs.

labelthe cell array of labels
Generated fields of obj:

◆ setDerivativeOrder()

function obj = HolonomicConstraint.setDerivativeOrder ( integer  degree)

RelativeDegree sets the highest derivative order of holonomic constraints in order to enforce as bilateral constraints of the system.

degreederivative order
Generated fields of obj:

◆ setJacobian()

function obj = HolonomicConstraint.setJacobian ( SymExpression  jac)

Jacobian matrix sets the Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraints if it is provided directly by the users.

jacthe jacobian matrix
Generated fields of obj:

◆ validateName()

function name = HolonomicConstraint.validateName (   name)


Member Data Documentation

◆ ConstrExpr


The holonomic constraint expression.

This property has the MATLAB attribute Dependent set to true.
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ ConstrJac


The Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraitns.

This property has the MATLAB attribute Dependent set to true.
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ ConstrJacDot


The Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraitns.

This property has the MATLAB attribute Dependent set to true.
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ ConstrLabel


The label of the holonomic constraint.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ ddh_


The second order derivatives of the holonomic constraints expression.

◆ ddh_name


◆ DerivativeOrder


The highest order of derivatives to enforce the holonomic constraints. This is the same as the relative degree of a virtual constraint.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ dh_


The first order derivative of the holonomic constraint expression The first order derivative of the Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraint expression.

◆ dh_name


◆ Dimension


The dimension of the virtual constraints.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ dJh_


◆ dJh_name


◆ h_


The holonomic constraint expression.

◆ h_name


◆ Input


The symbolic representation of the input variables associated with the holonomic constraints.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ InputName


The name othe input variables (external forces, etc.) associated with the holonomic constraints.

This property has the MATLAB attribute Dependent set to true.
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ Jh_


The Jacobian matrix of the holonomic constraint expression.

◆ Jh_name


◆ Model


The dynamical system model.

◆ Name


The name of the virtual constraints.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ Param


The symbolic representation of constant parameter value hd that the holonomic constraints associated wtih.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ ParamName


The name of the parameter variable hd associated with the holonomic constraints.

This property has the MATLAB attribute Dependent set to true.
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/system/@HolonomicConstraint/HolonomicConstraint.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/system/@HolonomicConstraint/calcConstraint.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/system/@HolonomicConstraint/calcJacobian.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/system/@HolonomicConstraint/configure.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/system/@HolonomicConstraint/imposeNLPConstraint.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/system/@HolonomicConstraint/saveExpression.m