▼ matlab | |
▼ +frost | |
► +Animator | |
AbstractAnimator.m | |
AnimatorPointOfView.m | |
Cylinder.m | |
Display.m | |
DisplayItem.m | |
JointSphere.m | |
Lines.m | |
LinkSphere.m | |
Patch.m | |
Pyramid.m | |
Rectangler.m | |
Sphere.m | |
TimeStepData.m | |
▼ control | |
CLFQP.m | |
Controller.m | |
IOFeedback.m | |
JointPD.m | |
OutputPD.m | |
▼ nlp | |
► @HybridTrajectoryOptimization | |
addJumpConstraint.m | |
checkConstraints.m | |
checkCosts.m | |
checkVariables.m | |
compileConstraint.m | |
compileObjective.m | |
configure.m | |
exportSolution.m | |
getPhaseIndex.m | |
HybridTrajectoryOptimization.m | |
update.m | |
updateVariableBounds.m | |
validateGraph.m | |
► @NlpFunction | |
checkFuncs.m | |
NlpFunction.m | |
setAuxdata.m | |
setBoundary.m | |
setDependentVariable.m | |
setDimension.m | |
setFuncIndices.m | |
setFuncs.m | |
setHessianPattern.m | |
setJacobianPattern.m | |
setName.m | |
setSymFun.m | |
setType.m | |
updateProp.m | |
► @NlpVariable | |
NlpVariable.m | |
setBoundary.m | |
setIndices.m | |
setInitialValue.m | |
updateProp.m | |
► @NonlinearProgram | |
compileConstraint.m | |
compileObjective.m | |
getInitialGuess.m | |
getVarInfo.m | |
NonlinearProgram.m | |
regConstraint.m | |
regObjective.m | |
regVariable.m | |
setOption.m | |
update.m | |
► @TrajectoryOptimization | |
addCollocationConstraint.m | |
addConstraint.m | |
addCost.m | |
addDynamicsConstraint.m | |
addInputVariable.m | |
addNodeConstraint.m | |
addNodeCost.m | |
addParamVariable.m | |
addRunningCost.m | |
addStateVariable.m | |
addTimeVariable.m | |
addVariable.m | |
checkConstraints.m | |
checkCosts.m | |
checkVariables.m | |
compileConstraint.m | |
compileObjective.m | |
configure.m | |
configureVariables.m | |
directCollocation.m | |
exportSolution.m | |
removeConstraint.m | |
removeCost.m | |
removeVariable.m | |
TrajectoryOptimization.m | |
update.m | |
updateConstrProp.m | |
updateCostProp.m | |
updateVariableBounds.m | |
updateVariableProp.m | |
▼ robotics | |
► @ContactFrame | |
ContactFrame.m | |
getFrictionCone.m | |
getZMPConstraint.m | |
setType.m | |
► @CoordinateFrame | |
computeBodyJacobian.m | |
computeCartesianPosition.m | |
computeEulerAngle.m | |
computeForwardKinematics.m | |
computeHomogeneousTransform.m | |
computeSpatialJacobian.m | |
CoordinateFrame.m | |
getTwists.m | |
setOffset.m | |
setReference.m | |
setRotationMatrix.m | |
► @RigidBody | |
RigidBody.m | |
setInertia.m | |
setMass.m | |
► @RigidImpact | |
calcDiscreteMap.m | |
compile.m | |
RigidImpact.m | |
rigidImpactConstraint.m | |
saveExpression.m | |
► @RigidJoint | |
computeTwist.m | |
getTwist.m | |
RigidJoint.m | |
setActuator.m | |
setAxis.m | |
setChainIndices.m | |
setChild.m | |
setLimit.m | |
setParent.m | |
setTwistPairs.m | |
setType.m | |
► @RobotLinks | |
addContact.m | |
addFixedJoint.m | |
configure.m | |
configureActuator.m | |
configureDynamics.m | |
configureKinematics.m | |
findBaseLink.m | |
findEndEffector.m | |
getBodyJacobian.m | |
getCartesianPosition.m | |
getComPosition.m | |
getEulerAngles.m | |
getJointIndices.m | |
getLimits.m | |
getLinkIndices.m | |
getRelativeEulerAngles.m | |
getRelativeRigidOrientation.m | |
getSpatialJacobian.m | |
getTotalMass.m | |
loadDynamics.m | |
removeContact.m | |
RobotLinks.m | |
get_base_dofs.m | It returns the default configuration of the floating base coordinates of a robot manipulator |
ros_load_urdf.m | This function parse the ROS URDF file |
▼ solver | |
► @IpoptApplication | |
array2struct.m | |
initialize.m | |
IpoptApplication.m | |
optimize.m | |
SolverApplication.m | |
▼ symbolic | |
► @SymExpression | |
abs.m | |
acos.m | |
acosh.m | |
acot.m | |
acoth.m | |
acsc.m | |
acsch.m | |
asec.m | |
asech.m | |
asin.m | |
asinh.m | |
atan.m | |
atan2.m | |
atanh.m | |
conj.m | |
cos.m | |
cosh.m | |
cot.m | |
coth.m | |
csc.m | |
csch.m | |
det.m | |
diag.m | |
exp.m | |
expm.m | |
export.m | |
feval.m | |
flatten.m | |
hessian.m | |
horzcat.m | |
isempty.m | |
isfinite.m | |
isinf.m | |
ismatrix.m | |
isnan.m | |
isscalar.m | |
isvector.m | |
isvectorform.m | |
jacobian.m | |
kron.m | |
linearize.m | |
load.m | |
log.m | |
log10.m | |
log2.m | |
nonzeros.m | |
norm.m | |
numel.m | |
nzind.m | |
rank.m | |
save.m | |
sec.m | |
sech.m | |
sign.m | |
sin.m | |
sinh.m | |
sqrt.m | |
subs.m | |
sum.m | |
SymExpression.m | |
symvar.m | |
tan.m | |
tanh.m | |
tomatrix.m | |
tovector.m | |
tril.m | |
triu.m | |
vertcat.m | |
► @SymFunction | |
export.m | |
exportHessian.m | |
exportJacobian.m | |
load.m | |
save.m | |
SymFunction.m | |
► @SymVariable | |
flatten.m | |
horzcat.m | |
ind2label.m | |
label2ind.m | |
subsrule.m | |
SymVariable.m | |
tomatrix.m | |
tovector.m | |
unique.m | |
vertcat.m | |
▼ system | |
► @ContinuousDynamics | |
addEvent.m | |
addHolonomicConstraint.m | |
addUnilateralConstraint.m | |
addVirtualConstraint.m | |
appendDriftVector.m | |
calcDriftVector.m | |
calcDynamics.m | |
calcMassMatrix.m | |
checkGuard.m | |
compile.m | |
ContinuousDynamics.m | |
firstOrderDynamics.m | |
loadDynamics.m | |
removeEvent.m | |
removeHolonomicConstraint.m | |
removeUnilateralConstraint.m | |
removeVirtualConstraint.m | |
saveExpression.m | |
secondOrderDynamics.m | |
setDriftVector.m | |
setMassMatrix.m | |
simulate.m | |
► @DiscreteDynamics | |
calcDiscreteMap.m | |
DiscreteDynamics.m | |
IdentityMapConstraint.m | |
► @DynamicalSystem | |
addInput.m | |
addParam.m | |
addState.m | |
compile.m | |
DynamicalSystem.m | |
removeInput.m | |
removeParam.m | |
saveExpression.m | |
setParamValue.m | |
► @HolonomicConstraint | |
calcConstraint.m | |
calcJacobian.m | |
configure.m | |
HolonomicConstraint.m | |
imposeNLPConstraint.m | |
saveExpression.m | |
► @HybridSystem | |
addEdge.m | |
addVertex.m | |
compile.m | |
HybridSystem.m | |
rmEdge.m | |
rmVertex.m | |
saveExpression.m | |
setEdgeProperties.m | |
setVertexProperties.m | |
simulate.m | |
► @UnilateralConstraint | |
UnilateralConstraint.m | |
► @VirtualConstraint | |
calcActual.m | |
calcDesired.m | |
calcPhaseVariable.m | |
configure.m | |
export.m | |
imposeNLPConstraint.m | |
saveExpression.m | |
VirtualConstraint.m | |
▼ utils | |
► general | |
array2str.m | |
blank_struct.m | STRUCT_BLANK Simple function to copy struture (fields, no data) of given structure For parsing into struct arrays. Will make a struct array of (ros, cols), or same size as elem if no args specified |
cell2str.m | |
cellexpand.m | |
contiguous_indices.m | |
create_object_array.m | Creates an array of NlpFunction objects |
extract_struct_slice.m | |
general2str.m | |
getfieldd.m | |
implode.m | |
indent.m | Using sprintf for sprintf: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/249016 |
maxabs.m | |
nop.m | NOP NOP Do nothing |
Ref.m | |
set_fields.m | |
set_options.m | Sets the options value by parsing input arguments |
setfields.m | Set the name of functions for the domain |
split_data.m | |
split_indices.m | |
str_index.m | |
str_indices.m | |
struct2str.m | |
struct_assign_loose.m | Makes sure that mis-matching field names and order do not screw up a struct array. Useful for loading YAML files |
struct_diff.m | |
struct_overlay.m | |
struct_permute.m | |
system_trim.m | |
► graphics | |
patchline.m | Plot lines as patches (efficiently) |
spring.m | |
► mathlink | |
cell2tensor.m | Convert a cell array to a Mathematica tensor |
check_var_exist.m | A wrapper function that checks if a variable has been assigned to a value in Mathematica |
clear_symbol.m | A wrapper function that clears a symbol specified by the character var |
eval_math.m | A wrapper function that calls the mathlink function to evaluate the expression specified by expr |
eval_math_fun.m | Evaluate symbolic function eval_math_fun(fun,x1,...,xn) evaluates the symbolic function 'fun' at the given arguments x1, ..., xn |
general2math.m | Convert a general expression to a Mathematica expression |
mat2math.m | Converts a 2-D matrix to a string that will be read as a matrix (tensor) in Mathematica |
num2mathstr.m | |
str2mathstr.m | Converts a Matlab string to a Mathematica string |
struct2assoc.m | Converts a Matlab structure into a string that describes an expression for Mathematica association |
► mex | |
build_mex.m | Compile C/C++ files to Matlab MEX files for Windows, MacOS and Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 14.04) |
► plot | |
hline.m | |
plot_format.m | |
plot_save.m | |
sfigure.m | SFIGURE Create figure window (minus annoying focus-theft) |
vline.m | |
► sim | |
even_sample.m | |
even_sample_fields.m | |
horzcat_domains.m | Horizontally concatenate vectors resulting from a multi-domain ODE integration. Eliminate non-unique points by excluding points in between each data set (for steps 1 .. N-1, remove last point, so it's right continuous*) useful for interpolation. Since it's varargin, call via argument expansion:
horzcat_domains(data.steps.ts) horzcat(dataCell{:})
horzcat_domains([1, 2, 3; 10, 20, 30], [3, 4, 5, 6; 30, 40, 50 60])
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40 50 60 For now, this will reject any empty matrices, since that doesn't make sense since an initial condition is always present. Can test resulting thing with (there should be no indices)
[row, col] = find(diff(results, 1, 2) == 0); [row, col]
horzcat_fields.m | Take a struct array and return one structure with all fields horizcontall concatenated |
horzcat_fields_domains.m | |
outputfcn.m | |
stopOutFun.m | |
vertcat_domains.m | Vertically concatenate vectors resulting from a multi-domain ODE integration. Eliminate non-unique points by excluding points in between each data set (for steps 1 .. N-1, remove last point, so it's right continuous*) useful for interpolation. Since it's varargin, call via argument expansion:
horzcat_domains(data.steps.ts) horzcat(dataCell{:})
horzcat_domains([1, 2, 3; 10, 20, 30], [3, 4, 5, 6; 30, 40, 50 60])
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40 50 60 For now, this will reject any empty matrices, since that doesn't make sense since an initial condition is always present. Can test resulting thing with (there should be no indices)
[row, col] = find(diff(results, 1, 2) == 0); [row, col]
vertcat_fields_domains.m | |
addpath_matlab_utilities.m | |
class_substitutes.c | |
developers.c | |
doxygen.m | |
SimLogger.m | |