Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nfrost | |
▼NAnimator | |
CCylinder | Cylinder depicting a cylinder surface between two points for frost.Animator.Display |
CDisplay | Creates a figure depicting a model |
CDisplayItem | Abstract class for items in frost.Animator.Display |
CJointSphere | Sphere depicting joints and axis of rotation for frost.Animator.Display |
CLines | Line object for frost.Animator.Display |
CLinkSphere | Sphere depicting center of mass of a rigid link for frost.Animator.Display |
CPatch | Patch depicting a polyhydron surface for frost.Animator.Display |
CPyramid | Patch depicting a 3d Pyramid for frost.Animator.Display |
CRectangler | Patch depicting a 3d rectangler for frost.Animator.Display |
CSphere | Sphere object for frost.Animator.Display |
Ccell | A MatLab cell array or matrix |
Ccellstr | A MatLab cell array of strings |
Cchar | A MatLab character array |
CCLFQP | This class defines a class of Control Lyapunov Functions (CLFs) that use quadratic programming (QP) |
Ccolvec | A matlab column vector |
CContinuousDynamics | Continuous state dynamic system governed by differential equations |
CController | This abstract class defines interfaces to configuration and functionalities of different types of controllers |
CCoordinateFrame | A kinematic coordinate frame class |
Cdigraph | A MatLab digraph |
CDiscreteDynamics | Discrete event dynamic system governed by discrete transition map and triggered by discrete events |
Cdouble | A double value |
CDynamicalSystem | A superclass for continuous/discrete dynamic systems |
Cfunction_handle | A MatLab function handle |
Chandle | Matlab's base handle class (documentation generation substitute) |
CHolonomicConstraint | HolonomicConstraint: represents a group of holonomic constraints of a dynamical systems |
CHybridSystem | HybridSystem defines a hybrid dynamical system that has both continuous and discrete dynamics, such as bipedal locomotion |
CHybridTrajectoryOptimization | HybridTrajectoryOptimization defines a particular type of nonlinear programing problem — trajectory optimization problem for a hybrid dynamical system |
Cinteger | An integer value |
CIOFeedback | This class defines the classic input-output feedback linearization controller |
CIpoptApplication | IpoptApplication defines an interface application class for IPOPT solvers |
CJointPD | This class defines a PD feedback control on the joint space |
Clogical | A boolean value |
Cmatrix | A matlab matrix |
CNlpFunction | This class provides a data structure for a optimization function. This function could be either a constraint or a objective function of the problem |
CNlpVariable | This class provides a data structure for NLP optimization variables |
CNonlinearProgram | NonlinearProgram defines an abstract class for general nonlinear programing problems |
COutputPD | This class defines the PD controller for system outputs |
CRef | |
CRigidBody | A coordinate frame that is rigidly attached to the CoM position of a rigid link. In addition, this class also stores the mass and inertia of the rigid link to which the frame is attached |
CRigidImpact | RigidImpact represents a rigid body impact map assuming that the impact is plastic and occurs instantaneously |
CRigidJoint | A coordinate frame that is rigidly attached to the origin a rigid joint and the child link of the joint. In addition, this class stores the type, rotation axis, child link, and limit of the rigid joints |
CRobotLinks | A class with basic model descriptions and functionalities of the multi-link rigid-body robot platform |
Crowvec | A matlab row vector |
CSimLogger | A class for logging the internal data over time during a ODE simulation process |
CSolverApplication | SolverApplication defines an abstract interface class for NLP solvers |
Csparsematrix | A matlab sparse matrix |
Cstruct | A MatLab struct |
CSymExpression | An object that represents a symbolic expression in Mathematica |
CSymFunction | This class wraps a symbolic expression with additional information for the convenience of compiling and exporting the symbolic expression to a C/C++ source files |
CSymVariable | An object that represents a list of symbolic variables |
Ctable | A MatLab table |
CTrajectoryOptimization | TrajectoryOptimization defines a particular type of nonlinear programing problem — trajectory optimization problem |
CUnilateralConstraint | UnilateralConstraint represents a scalar or vector inequality constraints should be imposed on the continuous dynamical systems |
Cvarargin | A variable number of input arguments |
Cvarargout | A variable number of output arguments |
CVirtualConstraint | VirtualConstraint: represents a group of virtual constraints of a dynamical systems |