NonlinearProgram defines an abstract class for general nonlinear programing problems. More...

Inheritance diagram for NonlinearProgram:

Public Member Functions

 NonlinearProgram (name)
 The default class constructor function. More...
function obj = regVariable (NlpVariable vars)
 This method registers the information of an optimization variable. More...
function obj = update ()
 Updates the NLP problems before load it to NLP solver. More...
function obj = regObjective (NlpFunction funcs)
 This method registers the information of a NLP function as a cost function. More...
function obj = regConstraint (NlpFunction funcs)
 This method registers the information of a NLP function as a constraint. More...
function [ nVar , lowerbound , upperbound ] = getVarInfo ()
 The function returns the dimension, upper/lower limits of NLP variables. More...
function x0 = getInitialGuess (char method)
 This function returns an initial guess for the NLP. More...
function obj = setOption (varargin)
 Sets the object options, and return the complete list of option structure including unchanged default options. More...
function  compileConstraint (char export_path,varargin varargin)
 Compile and export symbolic expression and derivatives of all NLP functions. More...
function  compileObjective (char export_path,varargin varargin)
 Compile and export symbolic expression and derivatives of all NLP functions. More...

Public Attributes

char Name
 The name of the problem. More...
struct Options
 The class option. More...
NlpVariable VariableArray
 An array contains all information regarding NLP optimization variables. More...
NlpFunction CostArray
 An array data stores objective functions. More...
NlpFunction ConstrArray
 A cell array data stores all constraints functions. More...
 The solution of the NLP problem. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from handle
 Creates a listener for the specified event and assigns a callback function to execute when the event occurs. More...
 Broadcast a notice that a specific event is occurring on a specified handle object or array of handle objects. More...
 Handle object destructor method that is called when the object's lifecycle ends. More...
 Handle object disp method which is called by the display method. See the MATLAB disp function. More...
 Handle object display method called when MATLAB software interprets an expression returning a handle object that is not terminated by a semicolon. See the MATLAB display function. More...
 Finds objects matching the specified conditions from the input array of handle objects. More...
 Returns a objects associated with the specified property name. More...
 Returns a cell array of string containing the names of public properties. More...
 Returns a cell array of string containing the names of public properties. See the MATLAB fieldnames function. More...
 Returns a logical array in which elements are true if the corresponding elements in the input array are valid handles. This method is Sealed so you cannot override it in a handle subclass. More...
 Relational functions example. See details for more information. More...
 Transposes the elements of the handle object array. More...
 Rearranges the dimensions of the handle object array. See the MATLAB permute function. More...
 hanges the dimensions of the handle object array to the specified dimensions. See the MATLAB reshape function. More...
 ort the handle objects in any array in ascending or descending order. More...

Detailed Description

NonlinearProgram defines an abstract class for general nonlinear programing problems.

Ayonga Hereid

Copyright (c) 2016, AMBER Lab All right reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted only in compliance with the BSD 3-Clause license, see

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NonlinearProgram()

NonlinearProgram.NonlinearProgram (   name)

The default class constructor function.

namethe name of the problem
Required fields of options:
  • DerivativeLevel —  the user-defined derivative order (0, 1 or 2) to be used by a NLP solver.
1 EqualityConstraintBoundary:a relaxation factor number for equality constraints.

Member Function Documentation

◆ compileConstraint()

function NonlinearProgram.compileConstraint ( char  export_path,
varargin  varargin 

Compile and export symbolic expression and derivatives of all NLP functions.

export_paththe path to export the file
vararginvariable input parameters
compileConstraint ( ..., ForceExport, BuildMex )
Required Parameters for varargin:
  • ForceExport force the export
  • BuildMex flag whether to MEX the exported file

◆ compileObjective()

function NonlinearProgram.compileObjective ( char  export_path,
varargin  varargin 

Compile and export symbolic expression and derivatives of all NLP functions.

export_paththe path to export the file
vararginvariable input parameters
compileObjective ( ..., ForceExport, BuildMex )
Required Parameters for varargin:
  • ForceExport force the export
  • BuildMex flag whether to MEX the exported file

◆ getInitialGuess()

function x0 = NonlinearProgram.getInitialGuess ( char  method)

This function returns an initial guess for the NLP.

Available methods
typical: uses the typical values of NLP variables. random: randomly generates the initial guess. This method generate uniformally distributed random values within the boundaries of NLP variables. previous: returns the previous solution as the initial guess
methodspecifies the method how to generate the initial guess.

◆ getVarInfo()

function [ integer nVar , colvec lowerbound , colvec upperbound ] = NonlinearProgram.getVarInfo ( )

The function returns the dimension, upper/lower limits of NLP variables.

Return values
nVarthe total dimension of all NLP variables
lowerboundthe lower limits
upperboundthe upper limits

◆ regConstraint()

function obj = NonlinearProgram.regConstraint ( NlpFunction  funcs)

This method registers the information of a NLP function as a constraint.

We always assume 'funcs' to be a 2-D array of objects or table consists of array objects. It also covers 1-D array or scalar variables.
See also
funcsa list of contraint functions new NLP variables
Generated fields of obj:

◆ regObjective()

function obj = NonlinearProgram.regObjective ( NlpFunction  funcs)

This method registers the information of a NLP function as a cost function.

We always assume 'funcs' to be a 2-D array of objects or table consists of array objects. It also covers 1-D array or scalar variables.
See also
funcsa list of objective functions new NLP variables
Generated fields of obj:

◆ regVariable()

function obj = NonlinearProgram.regVariable ( NlpVariable  vars)

This method registers the information of an optimization variable.

We always assume 'vars' to be a 2-D array of objects or table consists of array objects. It also covers 1-D array or scalar variables.
varsnew NLP variables
Generated fields of obj:

◆ setOption()

function obj = NonlinearProgram.setOption (   varargin)

Sets the object options, and return the complete list of option structure including unchanged default options.

vararginname-value pairs of option field value
Return values
optionsthe complete list of final option structure
Generated fields of obj:

◆ update()

function obj = NonlinearProgram.update ( )

Updates the NLP problems before load it to NLP solver.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ConstrArray


A cell array data stores all constraints functions.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ CostArray


An array data stores objective functions.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ Name


The name of the problem.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ Options


The class option.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

◆ Sol


The solution of the NLP problem.

◆ VariableArray


An array contains all information regarding NLP optimization variables.

This property has non-standard access specifiers: SetAccess = Protected, GetAccess = Public
Matlab documentation of property attributes.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/NonlinearProgram.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/compileConstraint.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/compileObjective.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/getInitialGuess.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/getVarInfo.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/regConstraint.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/regObjective.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/regVariable.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/setOption.m
  • /home/ayonga/.dropboxes/business/Dropbox/research/dzopt/frost/matlab/nlp/@NonlinearProgram/update.m